(rare, valuable 1955 dj Andre Deutsch—cover by Heather Standring with rare signature)
(1960 dj Andre Deutsch, dj by Stephen Russ; later made into a Canadian movie with Robert Shaw as Ginger)
(the entertaining 1997 VHS movie version of Moore’s 1st book starring Bob Hoskins and Maggie Smith; Handmade films/Paragon/Anchor Bay, directed by Jack Clayton)
Brian Moore (1921-1999) was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland and lived in Canada between 1948 and 1958, working for the Montreal Gazette before moving to California where he taught Creative Writing at UCLA. Moore was a master of the contemporary novel and he was interested in ironic, humorous portrayal of character, in particular. In California, he wrote the screenplay for a Hitchcock picture Torn Curtain. His Judith Hearne, The Luck of Ginger Coffey, and The Statement have all been popular novels made into movies likewise.