(Intermedia 1978 pb–translated by Margaret Rose)
Hull-born Yvette Naubert (1918-1982) was a French-Canadian writer who earned a Bachelor of Music before living abroad in France. She wrote five novels and two story collections and was twice a prize-winner: Le Cercle du Livre de France (1968) and Concours Litteraires de Quebec (1969).
She also worked for CBC Radio from 1946 to 1952, and in 1980, she became Writer-in-Residence at the University of Ottawa. Contes de la Solitude–1967 was translated into English (Tales of Solitude) by Margaret Rose in 1978, Intermedia (cover art: Fumiko Greenaway). I thought highly enough of her work to use two of her stories : “The Childhood Home” and “The Pigeons in St. Louis Square” in my senior high school English textbooks.