First Prominent Jewish-Canadian Poet

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(1948 G-G winner; Ryerson 1948; this is the 1951 dj reprint with somewhat abstract line drawings by Thoreau MacDonald)

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(the wonderful dj and hardcover with spine showing of the 1951 Borzoi/Knopf book designed by Lucian Bernhard)

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(inside dj bio blurb on Klein from above book along with his signature, rare for this title)

A.M.Klein–Abraham Moses Klein (1909-1972) was born and lived mostly in Montreal; he grew up in an Orthodox Jewish-Canadian family, whose values inform his work. Later he graduated from and lectured at McGill, and became a practicising lawyer. Klein was, first and foremost a poet; his prose work The Second Scroll, for instance, is poetic/contains poems. Other works included The Hitleriad and Hath Not a Jew. Klein can be heard reading on Six Montreal Poets (Folkways LP/CD),

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